LagerExperten Webbutiken

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Mustamäe tee 18A

10617 Tallinn, Estland



Tel: +372 6 722 380

Fax: +372 6 722 381

GSM: +372 52 66 297

[email protected]

Behöver du hjälp?

Planerar Du att bygga eller inreda lager? Fråga om råd från vår sakkunnig inom lagersystem. Lämna Dina kontaktuppgifter. Vi kontaktar Dig.


Sänd information

Hyllplan 1200x500 600kg, zinkplåt

Kod: 70-1250Z

Leveranstid: 1-2 arb.dagar

494 SEK

Exkl. moms

  • A shelf level consists of 2 horizontal beams, beam locking clips and 8 levels made of galvanised sheet metal with the width of 150 mm.
  • In case of even load distribution, the load capacity of each level is 600 kg.
  • The dimensions of the level are (W x D) mm 1200 × 500.
  • The beams of the rack have been powder-coated light grey.
  • Shelf levels can be mounted in starter and extension bays with the same dimensions of depth and width.
  • Delivered in parts.

Visa/Dölja ytterligare information
  • A shelf level consists of 2 horizontal beams, beam locking clips and 8 levels made of galvanised sheet metal with the width of 150 mm.
  • In case of even load distribution, the load capacity of each level is 600 kg.
  • The dimensions of the level are (W x D) mm 1200 × 500.
  • The beams of the rack have been powder-coated light grey.
  • Shelf levels can be mounted in starter and extension bays with the same dimensions of depth and width.
  • Delivered in parts.